Pool Chemicals
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Pool Chemicals - More Information
Maintaining proper chemical balance in your pool and spa water is crucial for pool owners. This balance safeguards swimmers from harmful bacteria, microorganisms, pathogens, and protozoa. Regularly testing the following water elements is essential. Below is a list of the elements of water that should be tested regularly.
- Free Available Chlorine - Free available chlorine represents the amount of chlorine that is capable of sanitizing.
- Total Available Chlorine - Total available chlorine represents the combined amounts of free available chlorine and combined available chlorine.
- pH - pH is the measure of how acidic or basic the water is.
- Alkalinity - Total alkalinity is the buffer for the resistance to change for the pH in the water.
- Calcium Hardness - Calcium hardness is the amount of calcium that is in the water. Too high or low levels can lead to adverse effects.
- Cyanuric Acid - Cyanuric Acid often referred to as conditioner or stabilizer, is a chlorine protectant, designed to protect the chlorine molecules in your pool from the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays. To put it simply, cyanuric acid acts as a sunscreen for your chlorine. Iron - Iron is an element commonly found in fertilizers. Having too high of an iron level can cause staining and severe discoloration of surfaces in the pool.
- Copper - Copper is an element commonly found in certain algaecides and heat exchangers. When copper is present in the water, it makes the non-living organic material in the water more susceptible to chlorine sanitization. Having too high of a copper level can cause staining and severe discoloration of surfaces in the pool.
- Phosphates - Phosphates are a nutrient source for algae. Maintaining a low phosphate level ensures a low probability of algae blooms.
- Total Dissolved Solids - Total dissolved solids refers to the measure of the amount of chemical and other outside variables dissolved in the water.
To test the above elements, you can use either test strips, a droplet reagent kit, or a water testing device. Once the water is tested, it’s important to take note where the water balance needs to be adjusted and then make the adjustments by using the correct pool chemicals. Below is a brief description of the main chemicals used to treat pool water.
Chlorine Tablets are designed to maintain chlorine residual for proper sanitization of the water. Comes in 3” and 1” tablet sizes for a variety of applications. Pool Chlorine Tablets are the most commonly used primary sanitizer on the market. Chlorine tablets slowly dissolve and kill viruses, bacteria, and control algae, making them one of the easiest and most effective methods available.
- 35 lbs Pool Chlorine Tablets Bucket — Leslie’s 3 inch Jumbo Chlorine Pool Tabs 35 lbs Bucket
- 20 lbs Pool Chlorine Tablets Bucket — Leslie’s 3 inch Jumbo Chlorine Pool Tabs 20 lbs Bucket
Pool Shock
There are three types of Pool Shock that we have available to quickly treat and maintain the chlorine sanitizing level in pools and spas.
- Calcium Hypochlorite Shock — Leslie’s Power Powder
- Best-Selling Cal-Hypo Pool Shock Bags — Leslie’s Power Powder Plus 12-Pack Pool Shock
- Sodium Dichlor Granular Chlorine Shock — Leslie’s Chlor Brite
- Granular Chlorine Pool Shock Bags — Leslie’s Chlor Brite 12-Pack Pool Shock
- Chlorine Free Oxidizing Shock — Leslie’s Fresh ‘N Clear
- Quick-Dissolving Chlorine-Free Pool Shock Bags — Leslie’s Fresh 'N Clear 12-Pack Pool Shock
Bromine is an alternative sanitizer used in spas and hot tubs. Bromine doesn’t require stabilization which means it's better suited for hot and warm water environments.
Water Balancers
Water Balancers are used to raise and lower pH, Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, and Cyanuric Acid.
Natural Chemistry
Natural Chemistry a wide range of products from phosphate removers, enzymes, sequestering agents, chelating agents, and many more. Some of the more popular products include Pool Perfect, Pool Perfect + Phosfree, Metal Free, and Instant Conditioner.
Alternative Sanitizers
There are other alternatives pool sanitizers available to use instead of chlorine tablets in pools and spas. UV and mineral sanitizing systems are effective at sanitizing the water while reducing the amount of chlorine that is normally required.
Specialty Pool Chemicals
Specialty chemicals include clarifiers, algaecides, phosphate removers, stain removers, cleaning chemicals, and more.
- Leslie's Perfect Weekly Phosphate Remover — Leslie’s Perfect Weekly Triple Action Phosphate Remover 3L
Algae Control
Pool Algaecides and algae control chemicals are designed to make algae more susceptible for chlorine to sanitize it out of the water.
Pool Chemical Kits
Our kits and bundles are designed to open and close pools and spas of various volumes of water easily.
Water Test Kits
Regular water testing is an essential part of maintaining your pool’s welfare. Getting an accurate reading of your water chemistry helps you understand exactly how much of what product your pool needs. Testing your pool water prevents the possibility of under-treating or over-treating the water, which keeps your pool properly balanced and saves you money!