Pool Liquid Chlorine

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Liquid Chlorine

Liquid chlorine, also known as liquid sodium hypochlorite, is a quick pool sanitizer. Many pool owners use bleach for their pool sanitization, though it only boasts an Available Chlorine level of 5% compared to Liquid Chlorine's 10-12%. The Available Chlorine in a 3" Chlorine Tab is 90%, but it dissipates at a slower rate. Liquid Pool Chlorine quickly brings the chlorine level up, but needs to be used more frequently.

Chlorine Tabs includes a stabilizer to prevent burn-off, but Liquid Chlorine does not. Always check your pH level when using liquid chlorine as you may need to add a pH decreaser.

Check out our expert-written article, Liquid Chlorine vs. Tablets for a detailed explanation on the pros and cons of using either liquid chlorine or chlorine tabs for sanitizing your swimming pool.

Liquid Chlorine is considered a hazardous material, making it unavailable for online purchase. However, Leslie's offers it in stores. We receive fresh liquid chlorine on a regular basis to maximize its shelf life.

Muriatic Acid

Muriatic Acid is a liquid chemical used by pool owners to lower Total Alkalinity and pH. Total Alkalinity measures how well the water can buffer or protect the pH from rapid changes. pH measures how acidic or basic a solution is. These two elements of water balance are closely connected and it's impossible to adjust one without affecting the other.

The active ingredient in Muriatic Acid is Hydrochloric Acid, chemical formula HCl. It is also used in acid washing, a process that removes stains and scale from pool plaster.

Muriatic Acid is considered a hazardous material, making it unavailable for online purchase. However, Leslie's offers this pool chemical in stores. We receive fresh muriatic acid on a regular basis to maximize its shelf life.

Unable to make it to one of our stores? Don't worry, Leslie's has you covered. We have a muriatic acid alternative as well as liquid chlorine alternatives available to order online and ship right to your home!

Household Bleach 5% 13
Pool Liquid Chlorine 10-12% 13
Bromine 54% 4.5
Sodium Dichlor 55% 7
Calcium Hypochlorite (Cal-Hypo) 73% 11.7
Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione (Tri-Chlor 3" tabs) 90% 3

Pros and Cons


  • Works fast to quickly chlorinate your pool
  • Lower cost compared to other forms of chlorine
  • Easy to disperse throughout the pool as there is no need to dissolve
  • Can be used in liquid chlorine chemical feed systems
  • Able to add to the pool water when pool equipment is down temporarily


  • Burns off faster than tabs (consumed quicker by UV rays) (Recommended to add at night)
  • Maintenance is more frequent as one gallon needs to be applied per week
  • Does not contain stabilizer or Cyanuric Acid (CyA)
  • Can raise pH level in the pool water when added. If pH level is high, a pH reducer will need to be added to help maintain a balanced pH level.
  • Liquid Chlorine has a very short shelf life from production to when the consumer uses the product. On average it ranges from 4-6 weeks. If used at this timeframe the strength of chlorine reduces dramatically.

Liquid Chlorine Usage Instructions

  1. We recommend chlorinating your pool before the sun rises or after the sun sets.
  2. While holding the bottle away from your body, pour the liquid around the perimeter of the pool while the filtration system is running.
  3. Be sure to hold the bottle close to the pool water to avoid splashing - liquid chlorine will immediately and irreversibly bleach clothing.
  4. Add the liquid chlorine to the deep end of the pool to help distribute the chemical.
  5. Leave the pool uncovered and pump running for at least one hour after adding the chlorine.
  6. Check the water chemistry first thing in the morning.
  7. Make sure the chlorine level is within the normal range of 1-4 ppm, and repeat as needed.
  8. Rule of thumb: Wait at least 4 hours before entering the pool and until the Free Available Chlorine (FAC) is between 1-4 ppm. after adding Liquid Chlorine or Shock.