Leslie's - Chlor Brite Granular Chlorine Spa Shock, 2 lbs

Item No. 18754 | Manufacturer SKU: LPM 18754
Item No. 18754 | Manufacturer SKU: LPM 18754
Leslie's  Chlor Brite Granular Chlorine Spa Shock 2 lbs
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Leslie's Chlor Brite Dichlor Granular Chlorine quick dissolving, stabilized spa shock is effective for super chlorination or as a routine spa water sanitizer. Product packaging may vary, with no change to product composition or weight. More Details
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Leslie's Chlor Brite Dichlor Granular Chlorine quick dissolving, stabilized spa shock is effective for super chlorination or as a routine spa water sanitizer. Product packaging may vary, with no change to product composition or weight.
  • Quick-dissolving concentrated chlorinating granular
  • For use in all types of pools, spas, and hot tubs
  • Kills bacteria and algae
  • Multi-use for shocking or everyday chlorination
  • Leaves no residue or bleaching on pool and spa interior surfaces
  • 99% Sodium Dichlor
  • 55% Available Chlorine
  • Stabilized - contains UV inhibitor to prevent chlorine burn-off

Fast dissolving and safe for use in all types of pools and spas, Leslie's Chlor Brite Dichlor Granular Chlorine Spa Shock is a great way to keep your pool or spa clean and sanitized. With 99% Sodium Dichlor active ingredient and 55% available chlorine, it's a concentrated pool water sanitizer for maintenance use or super chlorination. Leslie's Chlor Brite is known as a maintenance shock, ideal for daily or weekly use for a quick chlorine boost. It's especially effective as a backup sanitizer for swimming pools using a saltwater chlorination system. Leslie's Chlor Brite Sodium Dichlor Granular Chlorine Spa Shock dissolves rapidly, leaving no residue or bleaching on pool and spa interior surfaces. Dichlor also has stabilizer, protecting the chlorine from degradation from the sun's UV rays. Whether using Leslie's Chlor Brite as a maintenance shock or for superchlorination, it's a quick and effective way to sanitize your pool and spa.

Active Ingredient: 99% Sodium Dichlor

Leslie's Chlor Brite Chlorine Granular has the highest percentage of Sodium Dichlor available for a powerful sanitizing chlorine pool and spa shock. Some other pool and spa shocks have a lower percentage of active ingredient with a higher percentage of inert ingredients, reducing the amount of chlorine sanitizer that is ultimately added to your pool or spa.

55% Available Chlorine

With Leslie's Chlor Brite, you get 55% available chlorine to kill bacteria and algae. Don't settle for anything less when looking for a pool and spa shock to effectively treat problems like algae blooms and swimming accidents fast. As the chlorine dissolves in the water, it forms hypochlorous acid which is what kills and eradicates algae and bacteria.

Quick-Dissolving Chlorine Granular

Fast acting and dissolving, Leslie's Chlor Brite gets to work as soon as it's added to the water to get rid of bacteria and algae for an effective pool and spa sanitizer. It's safe to use in all types of pool and spa interior surfaces such as pebble-tec, plaster, painted, fiberglass as well as above ground pools with a vinyl liner.

Stabilized Chlorine Granular Shock

UVA/UVB rays from the sun can rapidly deplete the chlorine that's in the pool water. This degradation significantly decreases the longevity of the sanitizer which means having to add chlorine more frequently. Leslie's Chlor Brite Dichlor is stabilized, containing an ultraviolet inhibitor to help make sure the chlorine sanitizer stays in the water doing its job killing bacteria and algae.

Leslie's Chlor Brite Dichlor Chlorine Granular Pool and Spa Shock

To get rid of algae and attain clear water quickly, Leslie's Chlor Brite Dichlor Pool and Spa Shock is an affordable way to keep your pool and spa water sanitized. Leslie's Chlor Brite has the highest percentage of Sodium Dichlor active ingredient to destroy organic contaminants, kill bacteria and control algae. At Leslie's, We Know Pools, and we are your best source for affordable pool shock.

Routine Usage Directions for Spas and Hot Tubs

  1. Turn on the circulation pump and ensure that it is operating properly.
  2. Broadcast a half-ounce of Leslie's Swimming Pool Supplies Chlor Brite (per 500 gallons) over the surface of the water.
  3. Test the Free Available Chlorine (FAC) level and add additional Leslie's Swimming Pool Supplies Chlor Brite, if necessary, to attain a 3-5 FAC level.
  4. After each use, superchlorinate with 1.5 ounces of Leslie's Swimming Pool Supplies Chlor Brite per 500 gallons to control odors and algae. Do not reenter spa or hot tub until the FAC is between 3-5 ppm as measured by a reliable water test kit.

Product Type: Spa Chemical
Chemical Type: Chlorine
Chemical Size: Granular
Active Ingredient: Dichlor-S-Trianzinetrione
Container Size: Bottle: 2 lb
Manufacturer: Leslie's
Equivalent SKU: 48173